Friday 5: Ohhhhhhh We’re Halfway There

  1. What’s an issue on which your feelings are split fifty-fifty? Back before the new Amazon location was chosen, Pittsburgh was in the running, and I wasn’t firmly in one camp in terms of whether it would be a benefit or a problem to the area. The arguments were that even though it would create jobs, it would drive up the cost of housing, and potential tax cuts and perks to lure it in wouldn’t benefit the area much at all. It was a case of whether the pros outweighed the cons, and I saw both sides of the argument. In the end, I think I leaned more against it.
  2. What are you at the midpoint of? I don’t know that I am. Everything feels like either a new beginning or a potential end.
  3. What’s in your middle? A tummy that’s the direct result of eating lots of pasta over the course of my life.
  4. What’s something you occasionally do to keep yourself centered? Go to therapy, and in fact, I’m way overdue. I never really needed to go on a regular basis, but I like to pop in every few months to say, “Okay, here’s what’s going on,” and talk through anything that might be a problem–or, in some cases, to go in and help prepare myself for something coming up I either thought would be difficult or had me out of sorts.
  5. What are some settings where you prefer to be in the middle of the action? Concerts. Put me as close to the music as possible, where people are dancing (or moshing, if the situation calls for it). Anytime I’ve, say, gone up to a balcony to sit, I’ve ended up wishing I was down on the floor with everyone else, even if I had a good reason to slow down and sit instead.

As always, from Friday 5.

3 responses to “Friday 5: Ohhhhhhh We’re Halfway There”

  1. In reference to your Amazon remarks, Foxconn (Taiwanese multinational electronics manufacturer making an estimated forty percent of consumer electronics) announced a ten billion dollar plant in southern Wisconsin.

    The governor pledged billions in tax credits. And exemption from environmental restrictions. Then there are all the infrastructure improvements to the freeway system, etc.

    1. If evrything goes according to plan and Foxconn employs thirteen thousand, it is an estimated thirty years to amortize the incentives.
    2. Because of proximity to Illinois border, likelihood of employing more Illinoisans than Wisconsinners.

    Now the Taiwanese have taken a step back. American labor costs are too high.

    No. They already have the largest sweetheart deal in the history of American business and want more incentives.

    That is my belief.

    1. That Foxconn thing is a mess, and it was approved by sneaky politicians with no regard for any kind of transparency. Evil.

  2. In our usual small, standing-room-only club venue, I have a favorite spot that’s up against a pillar near (but not in) the middle of the floor, about six rows of people off the stage. When there is a mosh pit, I’m right at the edge but not part of it. It works out pretty well for me.

    But in seated venues, I do like to be way in the back. 🙂

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