Friday 5: Accidents Will Happen

  • What was the last thing you spilled? Ginger ale.
  • What was the last thing you broke? Huh, I don’t know. Which hopefully means it’s been a while since I broke anything.
  • What was the last thing you dented? I’m not sure about this one, either, because even in the case of the obvious answer of a car, none of the dents that have ended up in my car have been my fault. And the last one was years ago anyway.
  • What was the last thing you tore? It wasn’t my fault, but tights. I’d spent the night at my mom’s to dog sit and my husband was coming out the next day for a family Christmas party, and I asked him to grab a pair of tights for me to wear but he grabbed the wrong ones. The ones he grabbed were a little too snug but would do, and they already had a hole in them. The hole only got larger over the course of the afternoon, ultimately ripping along the seam probably halfway down my thigh. It’s a good thing my dress was about to my knees!
  • What was the last thing you stumbled over? A shoe, I think.

As always, from Friday 5.

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