Friday 5: Waste

  1. What’s something you unintentionally threw away? I almost always throw away food packaging before I’ve read the instructions.
  2. What disgusting memory of garbage do you have? I once threw away some sort of produce–a cucumber, I think–that ended up, like, rotting and leaking out of the bag and into the bottom of the can. It smelled horrific. It was one of the worst things I’ve ever smelled. I had to dump out the nasty liquid and wash the garbage can, and I kind of wanted to puke.
  3. How are you about deleting emails? Eh, great with some, horrible with others. I go through it every day and delete anything that’s junk, but I let things like coupons pile up, thinking I may want to use them in the near future. But I almost never do, so my inbox is tons of expired coupons. The one good thing here is when I do buy something online and check my email for a coupon, I do delete a bunch of the old ones. So I might delete a large chunk in one go, it just takes me forever to do it.
  4. What do you treasure that someone else considers trash? Certain clothes, I think. I don’t care about what’s in style, I care about what I like. So while I don’t buy based on that, I do end up with things that would probably fit a certain time, but I also don’t purge based on that, either. I’m not the type to rid my closet of things some people would consider outdated, I just purge what I don’t like anymore.
  5. What’s the litter like in your neighborhood? I’m kind of in neighborhood limbo right now–we closed on a house on Friday but are taking our time moving in. The apartment is downtown, which has a bit more litter–it’s not horrible and I’ve certainly seen worse in other cities, but you do see some. The house is in more of a country setting, where we have a proper yard and trees in it and close neighbors but not so close that we don’t have privacy or space. Fewer people are driving through, and the ones that are are there for a reason. I haven’t noticed a scrap of anything there.

As always, from Friday 5.

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