Friday 5: On the Edge of Town

  1. If everything else about your life stayed the same, how well could you get by living homeless for a year? I’d have to deal with Pennsylvania winters, and granted, sometimes we get years that aren’t so bad, but the cold would be rough. I’d look into staying with friends and family if I had to.
  2. What song do you want played at your funeral? My mom always jokes she wants me to learn “Don’t Fear the Reaper” on guitar to play at her funeral, so I’m gonna have to steal her song choice there. “Ave Maria” is always beautiful, though, although I’ll forever associate it with my grandma’s funeral.
  3. If you could have anyone to do it, who would you like to be the pallbearers at your funeral? I don’t know! I’d want it to be people close to me, though.
  4. Who is someone you encounter occasionally in passing, with whom you think you could be good friends if you knew each other socially? There are a couple coworkers who I think I’d have a great time with. There are also a few people who I am friends with but think I’d be closer to if we saw each other more.
  5. Is there anything useful to be made of empty prescription pill bottles? I’m sure someone out there somewhere has some clever Pinterest-worthy up-cycling idea, but honestly, I think the most useful thing that could be done is recycling. I appreciate the goals of up-cycling, but I have my issues with it–at a certain point, I don’t want a bunch of shit in my house that’s essentially pretty garbage, so I’d much rather recycle the items in question. No, Internet, I don’t want to know how to make my recyclables into something I might not even need, I want to get rid of them.

From Friday 5.

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