Friday 5: Continental Breakfast

  1. When did you last enjoy some Asian cuisine? Earlier this evening, we went down into town for their First Fridays event–vendors, live music, and food on the first Friday of every month from now until the fall. One of the food trucks tonight did fusions of different foods, and I had Japanese tacos.
  2. What’s something you’d like to do in South America? All the touristy stuff, honestly. I want to visit all the cool places.
  3. What’s a popular tourist thing in Europe you have very little interest in? I don’t know, because I’d actually like to do a lot of the touristy things since I’ve never been there. Maybe if there’s something super gimmicky?
  4. Which of Australia’s strange animals do you find most fascinating or adorable? I find all of it fascinating, really, because they’re so different from the rest of the world. I do find koalas particularly adorable, and I’m so sad that apparently, chlamydia is a big problem for them. But we should also talk about Australia’s large, monstrous insects and how when I finally make it there on a trip, I’ll spend my time sobbing in a corner if I ever see one.
  5. What’s something interesting you just learned about Africa? I didn’t just learn this–I’ve known about it for a while–but the fact that Africa is actually much, much larger in reality than it is on a map thanks to problems with the Mercator projection.

From Friday 5.

2 responses to “Friday 5: Continental Breakfast”

  1. I don’t know if that counts as Asian cuisine but I’m going to let it go. 🙂

    1. I mean, they had teriyaki sauce on them?

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