Friday 5: Genre

  1. What gets an unfairly bad rap? I feel like every few days, I’m tweeting about something I think people are judging unfairly, but I think today, I’m gonna go with science fiction. I watched the finale of the new Twilight Zone last night and loved it, as did most people, it seems, and it went very meta and had brief conversation about the nature of sci-fi. Even though there’s not a lot these days that’s considered, like, a “nerd” thing–and I think that’s a good thing–I do think sci-fi is still one of the things that people have weird expectations of. On one hand, some people dismiss it and are missing out on some awesome, complex writing, and on the other hand, others, especially with this reboot, complain about political and social themes, except they forget the genre’s been playing with those since it began.
  2. What’s something you’ve done to jazz up your routine? I did it out of necessity and I’ve talked about it recently, I think, but I changed my morning routine to get up earlier to eat a proper breakfast because eating at my desk while I work and the cat literally sticks her nose into everything I have just isn’t working anymore.
  3. When did you last have your mettle tested? Probably whenever the cat last literally stuck her nose into my breakfast. So, like, yesterday, when I slept in and ate at my desk.
  4. What’s something you were once — but are no longer — hardcore into? I feel like you could pinpoint any number of things, especially from my teen years–games, music, celebrities, whatever. I had a Hello Kitty phase as a kid and probably still have some stuff in my parents’ basement to get rid of.
  5. What are some porch swings, tire swings, or rope swings you’ve known? My cousins always had a nice swing on their back porch, and I was on it a couple of weeks ago at a christening. It’s still a great swing. My grandparents also had more of a little glider on their front porch, and although it’s not a swing, it’s definitely the one with some of the sweetest, simplest memories, especially from this time of year.

From Friday 5.

2 responses to “Friday 5: Genre”

  1. Myrtle has developed a new bad habit.


    The other day I was eating a deviled ham sandwich. She jumped up on the desk and started that piteous meowing. I put a little bit of the ham on a potato chip for her.

    Myr Myr gave it a tentative sniff and jumped off the desk.

  2. Even worse is when I share my food with her and she does that pawing motion as if covering something up in the litterbox.

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