Friday 5: Dress You Up in My Love

  1. For the rest of your life, you get to dispense one condiment out of each fingertip of your right hand, defining “condiment” liberally. Which five do you commit to? Ketchup, honey mustard, yum yum sauce, balsamic vinaigrette, and salt.
  2. What is the best way to spiffy-up french fries? So I’m a fan of basic ketchup, but if I’m getting a little less basic, my go-to is cheese fries. I know people who are fans of gravy or ranch dressing, though.
  3. The restaurant is out of your favorite salad dressing. What do you order instead? Ranch or a house dressing.. Or whatever sounds the most interesting–there’s a restaurant in town that does a honey-shallot dressing I’m a big fan of.
  4. How do you like to modify your favorite heat-and-eat food? Eh, I don’t, really.
  5. In what way do you play with your food? I don’t really do that, either, unless I’m getting full and just start kind of poking at it.

From Friday 5.

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