Friday 5: Freeeeeeeeeedom!

  1. What’s a movie that makes you feel patriotic? Probably The Patriot and Independence Day.
  2. When you first started driving, what’s something you did mostly because you could? I was far more willing to run stupid errands or drive my brother back and forth from hanging out with friends or soccer practice. I also liked long drives a lot more than I do now, but a few months of driving over an hour to work and then two-ish years of having to drive three hours to visit my husband when we were dating in college killed anything I liked about it. It gets old fast.
  3. What’s a good song whose title contains some form of the word “free?” “Olly Olly Oxen Free” by Amanda Palmer, and, of course, “Freedom! ’90” by George Michael and “Free Fallin’” by Tom Petty.
  4. When did you last unexpectedly receive something for free? On the 4th, my husband and I didn’t really have plans and decided to just kind of hang out and run to Home Depot to pick up a portable air conditioner unit that was ready for pick-up, and we wanted ice cream. After trying Rita’s and Dairy Queen, McDonald’s was our last resort. He ordered an Oreo McFlurry, but they accidentally made one of the new Stroopwafel ones instead and just let us have it.
  5. What’s something you’ve given freely in recent weeks? I was gonna say my time, but honestly, I don’t think I’ve even done that. Except maybe giving my time to help decorate for my husband’s sister’s wedding, but that’s just part of my duties as an in-law, not to mention beyond fair since she made all of our wedding favors for free.

From Friday 5.

2 responses to “Friday 5: Freeeeeeeeeedom!”

  1. What did you think of the Stroopwafel McFlurry? I like it, but it’s better without the caramel sauce.

    1. I liked it, but I thought it was a little too crunchy.

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