Friday 5: Time to Face the Strain

  1. When did you last make an adjustment to your daily getting-ready routine? This week and last month–I usually work from home, but we have an in-house rotation that’s a month long and comes up about once a year. Mine was in September, so I had to go to bed earlier so I could get up earlier so I could get ready for work and then make the drive in. The schedule changes on the first Monday of the month, which also happened to be the start of my weekend rotation, so I got Monday off, and for the rest of the week and the foreseeable future, I’m back to getting up about a half-hour before I’m due to start my shift. I have anywhere from 60 to 90 minutes back every day, too. It’s really nice. It’s kind of amazing what you can do with an extra hour every day
  2. When did you last try a new personal hygiene product? I bought one within the last couple weeks ago to try. It’s a toner that’s supposed to help control oil and minimize the look of your pores, and so far, it does seem to be working.
  3. What food or drink item have you most recently added to your regular consumption? When I was in the office, I was back to taking a lunch, so I was taking some sort of entree item and a few little side things like yogurt and other little snack items. I’m back to a smaller, simpler lunch since I can just grab something if I’m still hungry.
  4. What’s a brand-named product you recently abandoned your loyalty to? I can’t think of any in particular, and I say that as someone who does take things like politics and social issues into account when I buy things. I don’t think anything’s gotten the axe recently.
  5. What item in your wardrobe have you recently moved out of the regular rotation? I have this long purple skirt I was wearing to the office about once a week, and I was wearing a plain, darker purple shirt with it. Near the end of the month, I discovered it had a small hole in the shoulder that started to get bigger, so that’s been moved out of rotation and into a bag designated for clothing recycling.

From Friday 5.

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