Friday 5: Thrill of Victory

  1. Which summer Olympics event would you have the best chance of winning? I don’t know how fast I could go, but swimming.
  2. Which winter Olympics event would you have the best chance of winning? Again, I don’t know how good the chances really are here, but I feel like curling is my speed.
  3. Which competitive reality TV program would you have the best chance of winning? None of them, unless we’re counting new game shows, because I could absolutely win Beat Shazam. However! Back in the day, when VH1 still aired the delight that was Tool Academy, my best friend and I concocted a brilliant plan. For the unfamiliar, Tool Academy was a Charm School-esque reality show where men came on, usually at the urging of their long-suffering significant others, to learn how to abandon their toolish ways–cheating, getting into fights, binge drinking, that kind of thing–and someone was eliminated each week. The tool/couple who made it to the end won money. So Terra and I figured we could rig it in our favor pretty easily. Since we both have brothers, our idea was to trade them and have fake relationships where we’d “date” each other’s brother, who would do their best to be the worst and change accordingly with the challenge each week and one of us would win and split the money with the other fake couple.
  4. Which traditional TV game show would you have the best chance of winning? Probably Wheel of Fortune.
  5. The Pulitzer Prize is awarded for achievements in newspaper and online journalism, literature, and musical composition. The Newbery Medal is awarded to the author of the most distinguished contribution to American literature for children. What would a prize named after you be for? At this particular moment in my life, sleeping and procrastinating. Well, the procrastinating is always applicable.

As always, from Friday 5.

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