Friday 5: Scattergories, Part 10

My letter is “t”…after originally getting “z,” and no way.

  1. What’s something in your pantry, beginning with the letter? Tea. Tofu, although that’s technically in the fridge. And now that I think about it, we may be out of that, actually.
  2. What’s something in your car, beginning with the letter? Travel mugs that are empty. I had to think for a second because I haven’t actually been in my car in weeks. Thanks, COVID! (Don’t worry, my husband has made sure to at least start it so the battery doesn’t die. Again.)
  3. What’s something you miss, beginning with the letter? Travel! Thanks, COVID!
  4. What’s a character trait you admire but lack, beginning with the letter? Tenderness, maybe? I don’t think I lack it entirely, but I am not known for it.
  5. What’s a regular inconvenience, beginning with the letter? Traffic, but that doesn’t really count since I’m not leaving the house much. Thanks, COVID!

From Friday 5.

2 responses to “Friday 5: Scattergories, Part 10”

  1. The fridge definitely counts as part of the concept of “pantry” so these are totally fair responses.
    I’m not much of a traveler, but I find myself regularly making plans to GO somewhere just to go, as soon as I feel safe doing it. I’ve got an uncle in San Diego I’ve been promising a visit for ages, but I’ve also got my eye on somewhere tropical with white beaches and clear water. Sigh.

    1. I am DYING to go to a beach.

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