Friday 5: I’m So Unusual!

  1. When did you most recently have a change of heart? I may be in the middle of one, but I’m not really sure yet? It’s like I’m somewhere in between having a change of heart or doubling down, and it’s up in the air as to which way it’s gonna go. At this very second, I’m leaning doubling down.
  2. In the coming months, what’s most likely to keep you up all through the night? The cat who likes to get into trouble particularly at 4 a.m. You’d think my answer to this would be our 11-month-old baby, but no, he pretty reliably sleeps through the night.
  3. When you gonna live your life right? I’m going to the gym either later today or sometime tomorrow–both if I can swing it. I’ve gone back the last couple weekends, but the goal is to get back into a good routine.
  4. Do you wanna go out with a lion’s roar? Eh, I don’t know.
  5. When did you recently decide something wasn’t perfect but was good enough? I mean, that’s just writing life. I’ve been doing a lot of pitching and submitting, and I’m pretty much always unsatisfied with the work, but you can’t sit on it forever. So I get it to a point where I think I’ve done all I can. If something gets rejected, I take another look at it.

From Friday 5.

One response to “Friday 5: I’m So Unusual!”

  1. Yay for hitting that gym, if for nothing else than the benefits to your mental health. Hope it’s going well!

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