Friday 5: Mental Health Again

  1. What’s the best thing you’ve done for yourself in recent days? My usual–reading, writing, watching TV, venting where appropriate.
  2. What have you to overcome in the coming days? Exhaustion, probably. We took on the project of painting our kitchen cabinets, plus a lot of cleaning and rearranging and organizing in the process, and to make it easier, we sent our nearly 1-year-old off to my mom’s all day Saturday. I went over in the evening and spent the night, and not only did the kid fight his daily nap and bedtime, but he doesn’t sleep well away from home (nor do I, so…) and woke up around 11:30, 2:30, and 6. Which meant I woke up, too, on top of the physical work in the house all weekend, and with tomorrow being Monday, I don’t expect to exactly wake up refreshed and ready to go.
  3. What’s growing inside you? Hunger. I haven’t eaten in a few hours. Fortunately, my husband is on his way home with takeout.
  4. What has lately been your escape? I mean…is The Handmaid’s Tale really an escape? None of my reading is escapist, either–crime and corruption and sexual abuse and gritty sci-fi with a smidge of mental illness.
  5. What amazing thing have you recently crammed into your maw? It’s been a few weeks now, but we went into Monroeville for an errand and got takeout from our favorite Thai place in town, maybe our favorite Thai place ever, and I got my usual pad Thai. I should really try another dish there because we know the place is fantastic–Paul branches out often–but I just can’t resist it. Every time.

From Friday 5.

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