Friday 5: ℞

  1. What’s your prescription for a case of Weekend Uncertainties? A trip to the mountains!
  2. What’s your prescription for a persistent case of Restless Munchies Syndrome? Chips and salsa.
  3. What’s your prescription for Streamer’s Indecision? Honestly, unless I’m working through a show, I just go for the first thing that sounds interesting.
  4. What’s your prescription for a hypersensitive Get Off My Lawn reflex? A friendly neighbor dog who just likes to wander and chill.
  5. What’s your prescription for an inflamed FOMO? Someone ought to tell me, because I get FOMO hard. When it comes to things like vacations and events, I keep in mind that my time will come. But when it’s, like, all your friends are hanging out but you had other plans, no idea.

From Friday 5.

One response to “Friday 5: ℞”

  1. Darn it. I’ve been commenting on everyone’s responses that I don’t get FOMO much, except a bit of food envy when scrolling my IG, but I have to admit now that looking at social media when people are posting photos and video of concerts going on at that moment? Yeah, I feel a twinge or two.

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