Friday 5: Touched By Your Presents, Dear

  1. For what ability do you seem to have a natural gift? Writing has always come easy.
  2. What’s pretty good about the present moment? The baby is asleep and I’m not far behind–unless the fireworks being set off nearby mess that up for all of us.
  3. What nearby, everyday object would be a good symbolic bequest to someone in your life? An empty bowl that up until a few minutes ago was full of ice cream seems like a good thing to leave to the cats.
  4. What recognitions, large or small, have been bestowed upon you? The baby gives kisses–very messy, gross kisses–but only to me, not his dad. Whether that’s good or bad depends on your opinion of baby drool.
  5. What was your most recent charitable donation? Whenever I was last asked to do it at a checkout, which I’m suspecting was the last time I bought cat food. I can’t turn down throwing a dollar or two to homeless pets.

From Friday 5.

One response to “Friday 5: Touched By Your Presents, Dear”

  1. I am a sucker for the “buy a can of food” donations at our PetSmart.

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