Friday 5: Chip Chat

  1. What’s got you feeling chipper these days? Having an adorable one-year-old, for starters, but last night, we got together with my aunt and uncle on my mom’s side and most of my cousins to get all of our respective kids together. It’s the first time almost all of them have met said one-year-old and the first time all the kids have been together, and it kind of felt like a weight being lifted. We’re still taking some precautions but have been easing up on others, and finally seeing family we I probably haven’t seen in a year and a half kind of felt like the real end. It’s not, of course, but man, it was nice.
  2. About what did you decide to let the chips fall where they may? Ooh, I’m not sure. I feel like there hasn’t been opportunity to really do that in the last year.
  3. What are you chipping away at? Two very different things–laundry and publishing. Now that we’re sort of expanding where we go and with whom, our weekends are getting a little busier, and there’s a small laundry backlog, particularly when it comes to the baby’s stuff. My husband has some small plans today but I will likely be home for most of the day, so I’m tackling that and getting written works published. I have some things I want to send out and some interest on previous ones, so my other project for today is spending a few minutes taking a look at what’s gone where, what its status is, and gearing up for another round of pitches and submissions. The funny thing about having something accepted is that after that, it’s like, “Oh, now what?” and I have to take some time to polish off the next piece.
  4. What potato chips did you most recently consume? Statistically, Lay’s barbecue.
  5. When did you most recently toss your cookies? Oof. Probably when I was pregnant. I was feeling nauseous during labor at one point, but I can’t remember now if I actually threw up or not. I think I did. I definitely did while I was pregnant, probably early in the second trimester because despite that delightful symptom usually waning after the first, mine hung on a little longer.

From Friday 5.

One response to “Friday 5: Chip Chat”

  1. There is nothing better on the internet right now than seeing families being reunited.

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