Friday 5: Scattergories Part 11

My randomly generated letter was “J,” and no, I did not get a shitty letter first and try again, as I have in the past.

  1. What’s something that recently exceeded your expectations? June and July, although I don’t know how fair it is to say they exceeded. I wanted to have a fun summer, and I’d say I have.
  2. What snack from your childhood would you love to have right now? Jell-O dessert, as made by Grandma.
  3. What ailment do you suffer from? Just some gallbladder pain that seems to be associated with pregnancy and childbirth, based on the stories I’ve heard from other women. Yes, I cheated with that “just.” I was all out of ideas, and I really don’t suffer from jealousy, so that was out.
  4. Which musical artist would be fun to hang out with? I thought a lot about this because there are certain musicians whose names start with “J” that would probably be a good time…if you survived. I’m gonna go with the band Jukebox the Ghost because I love them, they seem like funs guys, and I wouldn’t have to worry about overdosing.
  5. What’s something you’re looking forward to this weekend? Journeying to Deep Creek again for a day on the boat.

From Friday 5.

One response to “Friday 5: Scattergories Part 11”

  1. It’s always the best when summer is as good as we hoped. It’s always the worst when it’s not — you have to wait a whole year to try again. Especially devastating for teachers. And I guess students!

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