Friday 5: The Full Spectrum of Human Experience

  1. What is the best sandwich? Either a simple hot, gooey grilled cheese or a sub loaded with crunchy veggies and doused with Italian dressing.
  2. What’s the one thing you own that you really should throw out? Not throw out necessarily but sort through and donate–old clothes. My body is not the same as it was before I had a baby, and I accept this, but obviously purging clothes takes time.
  3. What’s the scariest animal? The hellbeasts lurking at the bottom of the ocean.
  4. Apples or oranges? Oranges. They smell amazing and are juicy.
  5. What’s your favorite smell? My son’s laundry detergent and what we use to call “the Grandma smell,” which wasn’t as weird as it sounds–it was how things used to smell that were in my grandma’s house, which was some White Diamonds perfume but probably also mixed with things like other lotions and cosmetics she used.

From Friday 5.

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