Friday 5: Everything Possibly Worth Knowing About a Person 2

  1. Have you ever asked someone for their autograph? I have, mostly hanging around after concerts and things like that. I have a cool collection of signed ticket stubs.
  2. What do you think happens when we die? I think there’s a very sort of generic afterlife where we all just kind of linger, but I don’t believe we’re sorted based on our behavior.
  3. What’s your favorite action movie? Mad Max: Fury Road.
  4. What’s your favorite smell? I think we answered this last week–in short, my grandma’s perfume.
  5. Exercise: worth it? As hard as it can be to get motivated, yeah. I don’t have much time for it, but damn if seeing some results from what minuscule weight routine I do have going on right now.

From Friday 5.

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