Friday 5: Chocolate-Covered Mothballs: They Always Satisfy!

  1. How did you have it your way this week? I took Thursday off so my husband could go get a physical and drug test for a new job, and we needed someone to watch our son. The day off meant that even though I was on toddler duty, I could pretty much spend the time as I wanted instead of being at my computer for eight hours.
  2. Where do you want to go today? Same as every day–the beach.
  3. How have you recently taken a licking but kept on ticking? A couple weeks ago, I overdid it on the leg press at the gym and was really feeling it over the following couple of days.
  4. In what manner are you thinking different(ly) these days? I don’t know!
  5. This weekend, how will you indulge because you’re worth it? Well, we’re most likely to be home all weekend–my nephew’s birthday party is canceled because he’s sick, and on top of that, a snow storm is rolling in. So I’ll be doing little things like sneaking an extra few minutes of sleep if I can, doing a lot of reading and writing, hopefully hitting Horizon: Zero Dawn…

From Friday 5.

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