Friday 5: Out with the Old

  1. Among people with whom you are not personally acquainted, who most made you laugh in 2022? Probably John Mulaney, who we went to see live in the fall.
  2. Among people with whom you are not personally acquainted, who most inspired you in 2022? Ooh, I don’t know! Maybe Rax King. I read her book Tacky, and I really liked her style and voice and see it as something to strive for.
  3. What were your food discoveries in 2022? Nothing? I am a creature of habit, and nothing is standing out as something new I tried this year.
  4. What were your music discoveries in 2022? Ah, yes, now this is my time to shine. To start, probably my favorite. The local alternative radio station does this thing every December called Hometown for the Holidays, where a bunch of local musicians enter songs and a panel picks the best ones to add to the station’s regular rotation for the month. A week or so ago, this one caught my attention–“The Homecoming” by Sonny Boy. I honestly thought at first it was some old new wave/post-punk gem I’d somehow missed. And it’s local! Like, this banger was created in my homeland. Speaking of local music, my brother pointed me in the direction of another local rock band, 4 for Fall.
  5. Where will you be when the clock strikes midnight on January 1? Until about 10 minutes ago, the answer to that was “probably asleep,” but my husband’s youngest sister just invited us over. We’re not sure if we’re staying until actual midnight–I kinda think we probably shouldn’t–so we might still be home in bed, but we also might not be!

From Friday 5.

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