Friday 5: The Other Shoe

  1. When did you most recently drop something off with someone? Earlier in the month, a friend of mine had a birthday party, and although our son is welcome there, we decided to leave him with my mom for a sleepover instead.
  2. Who is drop-dead gorgeous? I have a longstanding love of Gillian Anderson.
  3. On what are you waiting for a price drop? Ha, everything. Is it too cliche to say eggs?
  4. What were the circumstances when you once dropped the ball? Ugh, I got a parking ticket a little while back. Parking at the library is free if you have a parking pass, and I kept forgetting to ask for one. So one day I went to return a book and get a new one and let my kid play for a bit, and I knew I was pushing it because the meter maid in our town is insane. And sure enough, I pushed it too far and stayed too long and got a ticket. Now, I intended to pay it within a day or so–there’s a time limit where it’s like 25 bucks if you get it to a drop box in the city minutes from our house before the deadline. And I fucked up and missed it and got a hefty fine in the mail a few weeks later. I now have a library parking pass.
  5. What news recently made your jaw drop? The death toll from the earthquakes in Turkey.

From Friday 5.

One response to “Friday 5: The Other Shoe”

  1. I would forget to pay that parking ticket in time too.
    Luckily I don’t drive.

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