Friday 5: Assimilasian

  1. What’s your best karaoke song? If you have never participated in karaoke, what would you sing first if you were forced to? My friends do a solid group rendition of “Total Eclipse of the Heart.”
  2. How extensive is your ramen experience? Not very, which I really want to remedy.
  3. What are your five most-used emojis? If you aren’t an emoji-user, which emojis do you see in mainstream communication the most? On my phone: 😂👍🏻😆🤷🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️ That last one is usually toddler-related.
  4. How do you feel about sudoku puzzles? I enjoy them.
  5. When did you last consume soy sauce or tofu? I’m not sure when I had soy sauce last, but I had tofu on tacos Tuesday night.

From Friday 5.

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