Friday 5: Gang Aft Agley

  1. When did you last plan a special gathering or event? I believe it would’ve been my son’s third birthday party, held at our house, with a construction theme, complete with a homemade cake covered in crushed Oreos to look like dirt.
  2. How do you rate yourself as an organizer of activities? I do okay. I’m starting a tradition of hosting a kid-friendly Halloween party for my son and his cousins, and eventually, I want to open it up to my friends and relatives with kids, but I’m kind of using my son, nieces, and nephews as an experiment in terms of what sorts of activities to have for them.
  3. When did you plan something and then say, “Never again!” I said this to my husband after our wedding because I’m hilarious, but also, for real. I enjoyed wedding planning at first, but then I got tired of it and was just ready for the whole thing to be over with, although to be fair, that’s partly because we had a long-ish engagement–he proposed on New Year’s Day of 2016, and we got married in August 2017. I have no regrets on that–I wanted a summer wedding and was not about to try and do it all in six months. I think we did a great job, but yeah, I get why people who are remarrying tend to stick to something smaller.
  4. When were you especially impressed by someone else’s planning for a special event? I’m impressed with people who have the time and desire to regularly host things. I had these grand plans of having our siblings over for dinner once a month and hosting game nights, and it’s just not happening–although to be fair, we’re also at least 40 minutes away from our nearest siblings. Maybe one day when we’re closer.
  5. When have you recently experienced a sudden change of plans? Last night. So, we were going to go to the Renaissance Festival with one of my husband’s brothers. We’re still financially recovering from when my husband was unemployed at the start of the year, so typically, in the final days before he gets paid, we’re down to maybe just a few hundred bucks in our account. Technically, we can afford to go to RenFest, but we decided the more responsible thing to do is not go. On top of that, my son and I both have colds, so we decided to cancel. And then at 5:00 this morning, my son came in our room and threw up, then threw up a few more times between then and about 7:30. And then we all went back to sleep until about noon.

From Friday 5.

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