Friday 5: Boo!

  1. How easily are you startled? Not very. In a horror movie especially, but if we’re talking real life, most sounds don’t startle me–I have two cats and a three-year-old–and people deliberately sneaking up on me is a tossup.
  2. What music do you find scary? So I think music in most horror movies is perfect for the movie but is rarely scary or unsettling when listened to by itself. The lone exception is Goblin’s music for the original Suspiria. It’s perfect. It’s got this fantastic melody that on its own isn’t bad, is almost kind of nice, even, but they pair it with this menacing, growling hum, synths, and some other atmospheric sounds and percussion, plus it keeps repeating, and there’s something unsettling about that. And then in gets more frantic-sounding in the end. I feel like that music could make anything scary. Goblin understood the assignment.
  3. When did you last attend a performance you didn’t think highly of? Ooh, I don’t know! For starters, I haven’t been seeing a ton of live performances lately, and nothing stands out as being somehow disappointing or subpar. The closest I’m coming is I saw Stevie Nicks the other week–and don’t worry, Stevie was fantastic–but although her opener was an amazing singer, some of her songs sounded too similar.
  4. What caused your most recent small cut or scrape? Statistically, a cat.
  5. When was your ego most recently bruised, and what did you do to recover? I submitted an essay to a website and got rejected, but I brushed it off and moved on. It’s par for the course in writing.

From Friday 5.

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