Friday 5: Insert Coin

  1. How do you feel about vending machine food? I appreciate the convenience of it more than anything, I’d say. It’s not that the food is bad, just that it’s there to serve a specific purpose.
  2. Where on this planet is the vending machine you’ve given the most money? It would probably be the one at my full-time job before I went remote and then eventually left to be a stay-at-home mom. There were two, one with food and one with drinks, but I got food the most, typically something to eat in the morning if I needed breakfast or a small afternoon snack if I got hungry too soon after lunch.
  3. Have you ever purchased a non-food, non-beverage item from a vending machine? I think I’ve purchased the occasional pad or tampon, but man, are those horrible. There’s a vending machine at the outlet mall near us that sells baby items like diapers, wipes, snacks, etc., and I think it’s genius. Every parent has been in a situation where they’ve run out of something away from home, and sometimes you get lucky and you’re with another parent who’s got you covered. But not always, and it would be so helpful to be able to just buy a single diaper or small pack of wipes in an emergency.
  4. Where’s the nearest vending machine right now, and what would you get from it if you were to go immediately? It’s probably at the Wallgreen’s in town. I’m really hungry–we’re actually waiting for a pizza to show up–so I’d get whatever the most substantial food item in it is.
  5. What would you like to see in a vending machine? I think the baby stuff is a brilliant idea, and I’d love to see more of those!

From Friday 5.

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