Friday 5: Noms

  1. What’s the strangest food you’ve eaten out of a can? I don’t think I’ve eaten anything strange out of a can, honestly.
  2. What food most recently made you ill? Ugh! It was a Mexican pizza from Taco Bell. And look, I know everyone jokes about Taco Bell being terrible and having that exact effect, but that has never been my experience. I suspect it had sat out too long.
  3. What movie makes you really want to eat? There’s not a particular one, but I’m a big fan of anime foods.
  4. What haven’t you eaten in a really, really long time? Meat. I went vegetarian when I was about 14–and now that I think about it, this time of year marks 20 years!
  5. What did you most recently eat in a moving vehicle? Banana bread from Dunkin, as well as one of their new fruity caffeinated drinks.

From Friday 5.

One response to “Friday 5: Noms”

  1. Taco Bell is my guilty fast food pleasure, and Mexican pizzas are at the top of my list.

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